Wednesday, November 18, 2015


39. 39. What?! 39.

If I keep saying it maybe I’ll get used to it.  I’m not exactly sure what I thought 39 would feel like or look like but it wasn’t positive - thankfully that I don’t feel a thing like what I thought 39 would be.

Technically I could be considered middle-aged. That would put me a date at 78ish to leave earth and *hopefully* meet Jesus – hmmm, seems a little young but none of us really knows. And really, I don’t care how old I am when I die if it means getting to go to Heaven. That’s going to be AWESOME!

I don’t feel middle-aged.  I know, I know – it’s all about perspective.

“Age is just a number” – or math. 2015-1976 = 39 (right? Yeah, that’s right. Math is not my strength)

“You are only as old as you act or feel you are” – well some days I feel 15 (pimples still, really?!), some days I feel 21 (however, not the morning after a night of feeling 21) and some days I just feel 85 (WHY does my HIP hurt…my hip? Again, really?!). And most days I just feel like…me. Not really thinking about my age. Just living life, being me.

I am waiting for when I’m going to “feel” like an adult. I definitely look around occasionally in a large group and think “thank God there are some adults here in case something serious happens”.

The best part about aging is – NO, not the “glittery sparkles” on my head, that’s just gray hair – the best part is looking back and realizing everything I’ve learned and to dream about how much more I get to learn.

Life lessons. Over my 39th year I’m going to share 39 THINGS I HAVE LEARNED SO FAR. Lucky you.

First One ::: Be Nice.

Yep. That's it. Be Nice. Bitchy is out. Certainly, don't let people walk all over you. But BE NICE.
Sincerely Nice. Out of the goodness of your heart Nice. Because you can. Because you want to. 
I can give you all kinds of cliches on this topic, so I will:




Why be nice? Because Why NOT? The person you are being nice to feels good and in turn you feel good.  I used to be foolish about this and think that using a snotty tone, being bitchy and/or rude was me "being tough" or standing up for myself or sounding cool. It wasn't. It was hurtful to whomever I was acting that way to.  I certainly didn't like it when people treated me that way so why would I continue acting like that? No one wins.
Being nice feels good. Very good. When I decided to start being nice instead of like a jerk it was hard, really hard. And then the more I practiced it the easier it got, the more sincere it was and it felt so truly rewarding. I wasted so much time being a jerk. Yuck. I had a nice person hiding inside of me and now she gets to live on the outside...because that is who I really am. No, not perfect. Just doing my best. 

Being nice doesn't mean that you let people walk all over you or take advantage of you, it just means that you start every interaction with everyone you encounter with a kind tone and smile. Easy as that. Some people will engage in conversation, some you'll never see again and some will become friends. No matter the outcome you know that you've approached that person with a sincere kindness. You may be the only person they talk to all day.