Friday, October 19, 2012

Grandmothers- a little therapy for CP~

A brief CP~  grandmother history

The most important women in my life were my Grandmothers.  I had three, (divorce makes family math complicated) my Gram Millie (my mother's mom), my Grammy Alice (my bio-dad's mom) and my Grandma June (my step-dad's mom). I was very close to my Gram and Grammy.  All three of my grandmothers died within nine months of each other. I was clearly devastated. I think of myself as someone who has her act together most of the time, but those few months wrecked me.  I still worked, I took care of things at home, I certainly didn't starve myself (clearly), I still laughed, smiled and enjoyed life but I would cry at the drop of a hat. Note: I REALLY don't like crying in front of people, I think it shows weakness...meh, I've got issues.
*this is a good example of when Choosing Joy is really important, although I might be missing my grandmothers I Choose to remember the good, I let myself feel what I'm feeling but don't let myself linger in self pity. It does no good. My grandmothers were trying to teach me that...I wish I would have understood it sooner, but am thankful that I get it now!

Grandma June

My Grandma June died first, in September of 2009.  I was not close to her as I got older but when I was a kiddo I spent a fair amount of time with her and Grandpa Frank. I was a BIG Grandpa Frank fan, I loved hanging out at the Cincotta Greenhouses with him. He was gruff, hard working but he also had a wonderful smile and a very sweet side that he showed me since the moment I became one of his family.  Grandpa Frank would tell me to go get his pipe out of the drawer and Grandma June would say "no you will not"...and I was torn but I always got it because Grandpa Frank was louder.  Grandma June and I were never tight but she was always kind to me and I have fond memories of her.  I would go with her and her mother to the beauty salon- that's right, old school/smelling like perm chemicals/little old ladies gossiping beauty salon.  Grandma June made the best peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, she made really great food in general, but those sandwiches are attached to memories of having lunch with Grandpa Frank so it's all I can really remember. My cousin Chris and I would have sleepovers at Grandma June's house and it allowed the two of us to have a special cousin bond, I'm grateful for that relationship and the others that I have with my Cincotta cousins.  Grandma June always made sure Nate had a full plate and was very kind to him, I appreciated that, very much.  My "step" dad, Bob, would do anything for his mother. His sun rose and set in her, it was very sweet (maybe not always healthy, but what do I know).  When she died I was very sad for the entire Cincotta family. My heart broke for them.

The family that Frank and June Cincotta built

Gram Millie

Gram Millie died in February of 2010.  She was my best friend for, easily, the first 8 years of my life; definitely the first 4 she was my world. Gram Millie and Grandpa Mike were my favorite people (in my Minnesota world). I was at their house every-ish weekend and THRILLED to be there. I loved every minute of it. They made me feel special and loved and safe. And I needed that. Gram would sing-song all day long, really silly old songs about nothing and she breathed joy. Gram was never a good cook but everything was made with love and she could buy Double Stuf Oreos with the best of 'em.  I have so much to say about this woman that she's getting her own post as I have something that needs to be said that wasn't at her memorial service and I'm still pissed about it. I miss her, my heart still aches. She's in heaven and that's awesome, but I guess I'm a bit selfish and still need her.

Nate, Gram and I

Grammy Alice

My Grammy was the last of my grandmothers to go to go Heaven; she died in June of 2010 . She was my everything when I was growing up and would go for visitation to see my dad (the original one, Alan) in Wisconsin.  She could be a little, um, ornery on occasion and she could spin a tale like no one else I've ever known.  I'm still finding out a few "exaggerations" were not completely the truth but that was just her way...I guess I know where I get the "embellish a story" gene from.   Grammy was a hard worker, a bit complicated but most importantly a Jesus Follower. I didn't know what all of that meant, but I do now and I am honored to be her granddaughter and I miss her EVERY.DAY. I have a LOT to say about Grammy as well so maybe she deserves her own post as well...and no, I don't feel silly as a 36 year old still calling her Grammy.

 my sister Ashley, Grammy and I

So What?

I guess I just needed a little therapy.  I wanted some of my peeps (that's y'all) to know a little about these three women and how they each, in their way, made me who I am today. I am blessed to have known all of these women and that they all had something to do with raising me.  Grandparents are so very important so if you are lucky enough to still have your grandparents on this planet PLEASE find time to love on them.  They have important things to say, take time to listen.  One day they are gone and you want to call and ask them a question, but you can't...I know, I've picked up the phone.

Love and God's Peace,

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Moving Mountains!




Here is a little crafty project that I did for my
Cuzzie (cousin) Danielle's baby
Riley McKenzie.
I found the saying on Pinterest, of course. 
11x14 canvas
letter stickers for the words
paint & paint brushes
a ruler (if you are fancy, I just winged it- clearly)
Paint pens
Please note: I'm in this place in my life where I want to make things for people, I think it's a nice personal touch. 
 (Also note, I learned the hard way not everyone appreciates this- but Cuzzie Danielle did)
Anyway, that same place in my life is also where I'm finally letting go of always wanting things to turn out PERFECT.  It's not going to happen.  I am not perfect (shocking, I know).
 I will still try my DANGDEST (that's gotta be a word) to make whatever craft/art/food/etc. nice and personalized but I already have WAY too many gray (grey?) hairs to freak out that each letter is perfectly straight...blah, blah, blah- this makes me want an adult beverage just thinking about it and why I did not use my ruler.
How To:
(prepare yourself- this is super simple)
Adhere the sticker letters to the canvas
The rest of the letters I used a variety pack of sticker lettering

Then I chose my paint colors and began painting.  BE CAREFUL around the letters.  I tried CRAZY HARD not to let any paint seep under the stickers and thought I had succeeded...not so much. 

 After the paint dried I carefully peeled off the stickers.  In order to correct the places where the paint did seep I took a white paint pen (LOVE PAINT PENS! MORE ON THOSE LATER) and was able to clean up the lines nicely.
This is the sweet, sweet baby girl that will be moving those mountains-
stay tuned for that...give her a few years, she's brand new.
Riley McKenzie