Tuesday, May 3, 2011

to Blog or not to Blog

I haven't blogged in over a year! Maybe I'm okay with that...do people really blog anymore? Facebook is such a huge portion of social media now that it seems easier to do everything on the FB.
To recap the last year:
Bella died in Feb 2010, Gram Millie died 3 days later. Then Grammy Alice died in June. Lots of loss and tears in 2010. My best friend, Faith, moved away. More tears. Then I earned a promotion at work, yet more tears- it's a tough job...good, but tough. Nate "celebrated" five years at his job in March 2010....he's still on the hunt for his calling.
We joined theAlley church and it has been a great experience for both Nate and I. We anticipate Sunday mornings and what we will learn about Jesus and ourselves every week.'

I'll attempt to blog and/or post photos once a month...see how it goes.