Monday, January 26, 2009

365: Jan 16- Jan 19

1.16.09- Shanna (Moxness) Wright and I at her birthday bash in FLake! Holy past revisited that night...good times, it's always fun to spend time with the Wrights!

1.17.09- Nate and I at Shanna's bday was after midnight so I figured this could count ;)

1.18.09- Crystal and I went to see Bride Wars...great for a chick flick! New monthly tradition to get the estrogen filled movie watched.
Missed 1.19.09...sad

365: Jan 20- Jan 25

1.20.09- It is what it is, Barack Obama is our new President. God Bless him.

1.22.09- funny, almost 7pm, Dos Equis, work paperwork, work on the screen and my fav part of this photo is the Powerball ticket!

1.23.09- went to the gun range. This is the Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum that I grew fond of...and 7 bullseyes, out of approx 60 shots- not too bad for only shooting a handgun once before, 7 years ago!

1.24.09- me, Missy, Cherie, Katie and Becca went to Archiver's for Scrap Mania!

1.25.09- the girls were enjoying the sunny day...on the couch

Thursday, January 15, 2009

365: Jan 12- Jan 15

My work "shoes"- I now look for cute slippers instead of shoes for work...
these are my fav currently.

Holy tough week at work. Tired of crying at work. I'm not a crier...well, I guess I am this week. I drank half this bottle of wine on a Tuesday night and enjoyed every sip!
(this photo is a bit funny, the bottle is actually quite large and so is the glass, but my perspective in this shot is WAY off)

Here is my sweet girl Bianca with her crazy eyes that glow in every picture. She has a thing for stuffed monkeys...this is one "before"- you don't want to see the "after"
That monkey looks happy now- it has no idea that in 4 minutes one of it's eyes will be missing and his shorts half torn off!

I still have winter decor up (Christmas is down, but I like the winter stuff up until February). This snowman seemed fitting today; I put the temperature and date in his pocket so we couldn't forget the ridiculous temperature today.
-45 wind chill, -18 actual
(really, after zero I can't tell the difference)

Monday, January 12, 2009

January 6th-11th- project 365

our fav at home dessert: warm brownies w/ vanilla ice cream & dark chocolate sauce

some daily necessities: generic Tums, lotion, glass of iced water, cell, home phone and carmex

Nate now makes me coffee every morning- it's amazing...who knew I'd like coffee so much- I think because it's made with love it's much yummier!

My wedding rings- I rarely wear them anymore, but I really love them. Maybe I should start wearing them around the house too....I know most women never take them off however, I have scratched people and things with them and I am so nervous that some household cleaner will hurt them that has become habit to only wear them we I leave the house...I rarely leave the house.

Miss Bianca...chillin' on the loveseat

We heart Tootsie Rolls around this joint...hence my hips ;)

January 1st-5th: pics for 365 project

Here are my first 5 photos of my 365 project

Happy New Year!
1.1.09 at 12:14am

First crop of 2009 at New Life Church Lutheran in Hugo, MN

My girls napping on my favorite new blanket...I guess they have adopted this one too.

Miss Bianca woke up from her nap and stuck her head through this cleverly
placed hole in her blankie

I love 5pm on Mondays...seriously.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Letter assigment "game"

The basic idea: leave a comment on this post requesting a letter and I’ll assign you one. Then you write about 10 things you love that begin with your assigned letter. Post it on your blog and when people comment on your list, you give them a letter, and the chain continues on. Come play, it’ll be fun!

My letter is "B"

Bella- I heart this dog...Nate is her favorite human but this dog has taught me a lot about patience and unconditional love

Bianca- I heart this dog too and she drives me crazy most days...but her ridiculous bat ears make me smile all day long

blogs- it's so great to keep up with daily/monthly lives of my cousins in Oklahoma and friends that I no longer work with or see

butterflies- it might be trite or predictable; but I really love butterflies. They are a bit mysterious and so graceful and they feed my OCD with their wings being exactly the same design on each side!

banana bread- It's one of my specialities, I put dark chocolate chips in them too!

baking- I really like to bake. You have to be precise when measuring, I like that. I like to cook too, but I'm a much better baker.

bags- I love a good hand bag. I have a rule: when I get a new one I must dispose of an old one

Boondock Saints- one of the best movies of our time

bands- my wedding bands, not only lovely but symbolic

Bellagio- the Bellagio fountains in Las Vegas...I find them beautiful, relaxing and, to me, they really represent new Vegas (and music is involved- so that's a big factor)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

365 photos

I'm going to give it a try: take one picture everyday in 2009.
Here is where you can see them: