Tuesday, March 19, 2013

So Long, Farewell...Diet Soda

~Cue the violins~
I did it. I gave up diet soda.  This Diet Coke (or Diet Pepsi, not ashamed that I wouldn't discriminate) loving gal put the diet soda down for good.  I wasn't addicted by any means. We don't, as a rule, keep soda in the house but when we'd go out or have friends over I'd certainly partake in a diet soda.  I relied heavily on diet soda to partner with my vodka on a regular basis.

For years I've read articles and been brow beaten by my loving father-in-law about how bad artificial sweetener is for me. 
Example: Women being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis were actually being poisoned by artificial sweetener= YIKES! They stopped "using" and all symptoms were gone!
My logic was: I'm terrified of becoming diabetic and regular soda and sugars are full carbs (my husband and I follow have low carb lifestyle) but at least then I can have soda.
Have you seen the calories, sugar and carbs in regular soda??? DISGUSTING!
So. I finally listened...I'm not happy about it, but I did it. This also includes giving up Splenda, which I was using pretty regularly.  I used Splenda in baking and my daily cup o'coffee. 
Good bye, Splenda.
I had ridic headaches for the first 6 days, perhaps just from the sadness of losing my friends Diet Coke and Splenda- but perhaps I was experiencing some kind of withdrawal.  The headaches are gone and I feel like my weight loss has had a jump start...related???
Maybe. Maybe not.
Another sad note the Sweet Iced Tea I've been dreaming about all winter will not be making an appearance on my deck this summer, as the one I love without carbs, OF COURSE,
uses aspartame [sad face].
Iced Water and Coffee for me.
...well, and dirty martinis- seriously people, I have to live!
Just the facts so you can check out for yourself:
No worries- you do what you want, I will not judge- just thought I'd share the temporary sadness, but I'm feeling much better about having real sugar, IN MODERATION, versus some mystery chemical to sweeten my world.