Wednesday, September 3, 2008

August 08 for Mr. & Mrs. Phillips

August was certainly a busy month for us. Full weekends, birthdays of many women and a few guys, new adventures, old and new friends and pink hair!

This month we celebrated many birthdays: Faith Rattei, Melissa Stepan, Danielle Fischer, Bekki Hince, Crystal Rademacher, Jen I forgetting anyone- good grief! Lots of important ladies in our lives to celebrate.

We went to a fun party for Nate's sister Danielle- some of the best, quality family time we've had in a long time.

The SPCC (my scrapbooking club) celebrated Faith and Melissa's birthday on the 22nd with tilapia, a slushie bucket, fruit pizza...oh and I guess we scrapped a bit too.

The Ratteis and Nate and I celebrated Faith again with a magnificent sushi platter on her actual birthday, the 29th and had some quality backyard/patio time. The dogs love running with the Rattei's dog, Lucy, in the Rattei backyard- it's bigger than ours therefore many more figure eights can be accomplished.

Nate and I also ventured out to Fogo de Chao with the Rademachers to celebrate Crystal and Eric's birthday this past Sunday. Oh- it was also their youngest son's, Aiden, birthday on the 25th- same as Crystal's birthday.

I still need to schedule some time to see Jen to properly recognize her big day. Hi Jen!!! Let's talk soon :)

Sometime during the month we also hosted friends and family for the UFC fight. Our little, 1941 home held a dozen people watching the fights with good food, great laughs and the fights weren't bad either.

I have been fortunate enough to reconnect with an old friend, Shanna (Moxness) Wright. It has been so fun getting together with her and getting to know her husband, Chris. Shanna and I took a walk on the wildside and got pink highlights. She is a hard working stay at home mom and I work from home- so it was fun to rebel a bit and do something crazy just for us. I wonder if Dr. Laura would approve???

Oh- what else? I was in Iowa, at my corporate office, for some training and bonding time with my co-workers.

We, as previously mentioned many times before, have our annual Vegas trip planned so its been fun planning with the Rademachers what we want to do when we are there...we are thinking about a little indoor sky diving...yes, that's a real thing. And we will visit the Neon Boneyard again this year. Lots of planning to do so we can hopefully just throw it all out the window and be spontaneous!

So as summer wraps up we are looking forward to our favorite season, autumn, and all of the fun that comes along with it. Apple Orchards, the Down Syndrome Buddy Walk, my birthday (you know the important things), walks in the leaveson the trail, high school football, college football, any football....good times!

Life is Good.
Hope yours is too!

Much love-