Thursday, April 26, 2012


SO. I was just reading through the old posts on this blog. Um. Lame. A bunch of pics, some stories of my acting whiny...what the what?!  I'm so much better than that!

First off- I need to change the name of my blog.  So I'll get on that right away.
Second- I'll still post some pics, but shoot- they'll be much more interesting. 
Third- need new layout, with some good links to good stuff
Fourth- add some good Pinterest stuff

Ok. I'm on it.  I will not let you or your funny bone down.

Inspired by the Farmer's Bell

My amazing friend Karli as a ridiculous fun blog called Farmer and the Bell!  She may be the funniest person I've ever know- seriously, I don't know where she comes up with 90% of what she says.  Unlike me, I steal 90% of my best lines from movies and comedians and, well, now you know from Karli.
Her bloggy-blog is A-MAZ-ING and I highly recommend you scoot on over to check it out:
AND she's doing a GIVEAWAY- so be sure to read all of her amazingness and follow her blog.

I will now promise all of you, whether it's torture or fun, that I will start blogging again.  Once a month...minimum.  How's that for a threat!?