So Predictable: had a birthday = life reflection time.
Yesterday was my birthday so I, of course, was doing some reflection on the last 37 years. I don't plan on repeating that number aloud much over the next year.
I now understand why people say "I'm 30-something". yep. totally get it.
My Top 10 lessons learned (not in order, necessarily) in my 37 years:
1. Embrace the power of coffee.
2. Don't lie. Yes, easy as that. Just don't.
(side note on this one, if you don't know this already:
If you LIE to me, I will find out. I will call you out. I will hold you accountable.)
3. Be thankful.
4. Sugar is yummy but very dangerous.
5. Comfort is overrated.
6. Have boundaries with your relationships.
Boundaries, fences with gates.
Not brick walls.
Boundaries, fences with gates.
Not brick walls.
7. My relationship with Jesus is FAR MORE IMPORTANT than what anyone thinks about me, any other relationship and/or myself.
Don't be ashamed of your relationship with Jesus.
8. Keep your finger off the trigger, but know where it's at and how to use it.
9. Don't procrastinate. Stay organized.
10. Choose Joy.